Crystal Science
A personal Experience
One of our biggest challenges is to accept the nature of our intuition/feelings, compared to our mental perception day by day.
Dr. Ioana - Adina Oancea
Why are we returning to nature?
Because nature is part of us and we are part of it. We may forget to think about it but we can never forget all about it. From a chemical point of view, crystals are elements of nature formed in the Earth’s crust, at various depths and in various areas of our planet, with different chemical compositions. From a quantum physics point of view, crystals are forms of life, conductors of energy and information.
Crystals vibrate energy.
Depending on the formation area and extraction/processing method, their vibration expresses itself at various frequencies. Some crystals are so strong it is impossible to be around them as the energy processing is too high for humans. It may also happen that the vibrational field of a person may not be ready to interact with or integrate such a vibration. Crystals can be our best friends. Basically they are here to raise our vibration and help our physical body. Moreover, crystals help us integrate certain attributes into our emotional/spiritual body. It is up to us how ready we are to work with them.
My knowledge about crystals and how to work with them came from several sources. First I studied them while meditating with my guardian angel, Daniel. Then, Daniel urged me to go to London and work with Shani Lehrer, my guide & teacher at the Modern Mystery School. Then he urged me to go to Egypt, which I did 3 times in 2021. Honestly, I’m penniless after all these travels but whatever I learned there made me richer from so many points of view. I could rise to another degree of consciousness in order to work with crystals at a much higher, more accurate and finer level. Whenever I hold them, I hear them vibrate inside my cells.
Today I work with crystals in various healing therapies directed to our physical and our emotional body. In case you are still wondering:
Do Crystals work? The answer is: yes!
Crystals can change our lives. They change our vibration, help our cells in their regenerative process and in any inflammatory/oxidative process. While changing our vibration, we change the way in which our body works from two points of view: metabolism and state of mind.
Today I work with people suffering from various stages of cancer, depression, anxiety, insomnia, apathy. I work with pregnant women, with people with pre or post op conditions and also with persons who simply need to relax.
All the knowledge is found in the Crystals Rituals of this platform so YOU can do the work. I am here to guide you. Please visit our website and explore our beautiful crystal community, classes and books.